Department of Philosophy
About the Department
The study of philosophy helps us get ability in critical thinking skills so that students be able to think analytically and demonstrate creative thinking, innovation, evaluation and synthesis of information. Moreover, students will effectively develop, interact and express ideas through written, oral and visual communication.
The Department of Philosophy, Nakshalbari College, was established in 2018.Subject Philosophy was introduced as a program course only affiliated with the University of North Bengal in the session 2018-19 and the first batch was passed out of the program course in Philosophy in the year of 2021.
The Department of Philosophy follows the CBCS Syllabus as mandated by the affiliating University. The three year under Graduate Course (spread over six semesters) in Philosophy initiates students to Fundamentals of Indian Philosophy, Logic (Western), Western Epistemology and Metaphysics, Western Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Socio-political Philosophy. Moreover, the B.A Programme in Philosophy also offers Generic Electives (GE) to students from non Philosophy background so as to make them inculcate a Philosophical bent of mind which is going to help them in whatever academic field they have chosen to study.
At present the Philosophy Department has one faculty member.

Dipu Paul