Department of Bio-Science
About the Department
The Department of Bio-Science of Nakshalbari College, began its journey in 2016. Offers Botany, Zoology, Chemistry as elective subjects in B.Sc program course. At present, there arethree faculty members and one Laboratory attendant in the Department.There are 2 laboratories in the Department, out of which one laboratory is for Botany and Zoology and the other for Chemistry. With the effective teaching learning methods (Demonstration method, Scientific method, Project method, Assignment method etc) the Department aims to create a fun -filled productive classroom. We try toensure that the students get the platform for all around development and growth.
At present the Department has 1 full time ,2 part-time teachers and 1 laboratory attendant-
- Smt. Papiya Dey, SACT-I and HOD
- Dr. Bijeta Mitra, Part-time
- Shri. Tanmoy Dutta, Part-time
- Nihar Singha, Lab attendant
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Smt. Papiya Dey
M.Sc., Botany, SACT-I, H.O.D

Dr. Bijeta Mitra
M.Sc.,Ph.D, Guest Teacher

Shri Tanmoy Dutta
M.Sc.,Guest Teacher