Department of English
About the Department
The Department of English of Nakshalbari College began its journey with the inception of the College in 2008 with two (02) Guest Teachers. Dr Zinia Mitra joined Nakshalbari College in 2010 and served as the Head of the Department till 2017 when she left this College to join the Department of English, University of North Bengal. At present the Department has four (04) full-time Teachers:
1. Washim Akram, Assistant Professor & Head.
2. Smt. Tapashi Singha, Assistant Professor.
3. Sri. Amit Chetri, SACT-II
4. Smt. Jaya Das, SACT-II
At present, the Department of English offers 3-year (6 Semesters) Honours Course following CBCS guidelines. AECC, LCC, GE, SEC, DSE, and DSC papers are also taught. We believe that the College is the second home for the students. We take special care in knowing the needs and problems of the students. In order to do this, we behave with them as compassionately as possible so that they feel at home and do not hesitate in sharing their problems with us. It, thus, develops a sense of belonging in them. As a result, we see that our students are quite free with us and they do not harbor any inhibition in interacting with us. We inculcate in the students the thought that living in margin does not make one marginal and that they can realize their dreams if they remain committed and focused towards their goals.
Apart from usual classes, we also conduct remedial classes each Semester before the commencement of Examinations. Internal Assessment is an integral part of evaluation under CBCS norms. The Department is very particular in this aspect and Internal Assessment (Continuous Evaluation) is conducted in the form of Presentation of Papers, Viva-Voce, Assignments, and Written Examination. Each year, some of our students are selected for Master Degree in regular mode in different Universities. Others prepare themselves for various Competitive Examinations.
Motto of the Department: Dream Big, Achieve Big.
Some of the best practices that we follow are:
- Punctuality in attendance
- Student-friendly teaching
- Interactive learning
- Making the students ready for Higher Studies
- Need based teaching
- Teaching beyond boundaries
- Maintaining healthy classroom environment
- Making the students realize the importance of Gender Equality
- Encouraging the students to ask questions
- Easy access to teachers
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Washim Akram
M.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor, H.O.D

Tapashi Singha
M.A., Assistant Professor

Amit Chetri

Jaya Das